industrial salt or technogenic salt has been supplied to Russia from Iran for many years; it is used in various industries as a filler, solvent or additive.
For example, detergent factories are major buyers of salt and add salt to washing machine powder. this type of salt is used frequently, we can supply salt in different sizes and different grades, if the customer has requested a different type of salt, just ask us and we will provide you with the information.
The purity of table salt and water salt is about 99%; But industrial salts are used in the industry without any refinement!
Types of salt:
1- oyster salt 120 and oyster salt 130:
This type of salt is the smallest size of granulated salt, before powdered salt or soft industrial salt. The crystals of this type of salt have a lot of shine and transparency; Therefore, it is called oyster salt. Oyster salt is very similar to refined salt in terms of grain size.
2- Sugar size salt 110 or drilling salt:
This type of salt, which is known as sugar salt due to the similarity of its grain size to sugar grains, is one of the most widely used types of industrial salt. Due to the size of the grains of this type, it is also called 110 mesh. Among the important uses of this salt is the use in drilling mud, the process of salting meat, especially pork in Georgia, and use in Liqvan cheese, etc.
3 – Salt Mesh 100:
The grains and crystals of this type of salt are slightly larger than sugar grains (almost twice).
4 – Salt Mesh 90:
The size of the granules of this type includes slightly smaller seeds than peas. Due to the almost uniform and regular size of the grains, this type is called mesh 90.
5- Fishing salt:
After the rock salt enters the crusher, large pieces of rock salt are broken and crushed salt with a size of 5 to 10 mm is produced. Fishery salt grains are larger than a pea and smaller than a walnut, which is considered to be the largest grain size.
The reason for the naming of fishing salt is the main use of this granulation in the fishing industry as well as disinfection. Of course, this is only one of the uses of fishing salt. Other uses of this type of salt are in water hardening, revitalization of deactivated resins, very precise smoothing of small parts, leather and tanning industry, cheese making and many other industries.
6- Industrial powdered salt (soft industrial salt):
Finally, the last category of unrefined industrial salt in terms of grain size is powdered salt. Due to its many industrial uses, this type is also called industrial soft salt. The main use of this type of salt is in the production of acid and grains and chicken and poultry inputs.